Lizard Snow Plows v1.0.0.0


Czech snow plows for snow removal.

Front snow plow CERT 3000:
- Price: 3304,48 $
- Working width: 3 m
- Max. working speed: 25 kph
- Transport width: 2.5-3.0 m
- Adjustable blade

Rear snow plow RTS 3000:
- Price: 2841,73 $
- Working width: 3 m
- Max. working speed: 25 kph
- Transport width: 2.5-3.0 m

Choice of colors and design.
Both snow plows have the option of setting the angle via mouse movement.


BlendArt, Kolchozník jr, TT Czech Modding, AgroSketch

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Commented on 2023-03-12 03:00:05

Mod recomendado (codigo ..........) los de mi comunidad ya sabéis como ver el código invisible

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