A simple mod that has been pimped a bit.
Version 2.0
Working width repaired
Version 1.5
Working width has been increased. Driving ratio has been adjusted
--> Multicolor
--> Rim Color
--> Multibunker
Team Wolfsmodding is happy to provide you with mods and thank you for positive feedback. Want to predict more info on our mods or become a team member then just check out the Discord at: https://discord.gg/7TmrtQavW2
Of course, we'd appreciate a little pocket money if you like the mods.

1 Downloads in
3 years ago

Please don't use paid DL sites like Uploaded. There are plenty of place to host files that don't punish your users with DL's that crawl. Thanks! Great mod by the way, as are all of yours!
Errors in V1 and your new V2...
And whats up with the candy crome crap colours can't use the original paint?
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