Maddogs Design Feed mixing plant v1.1.0.0


here comes the desired update what I promised, I'm sorry if it took a while.
I also now make mineral feed and pig feed
update production
pig feed
mineral feed

I hereby provide you with my feed mixer for the LS 22, it has been revised and many things of decoration have been added,
To see the production content, you have to go inside the building. To do this, simply go through the front entrance and let yourself be impressed by the sight.
This is a feed mixing station that you can walk through, in the upper area you will also find a display that has no function yet and will definitely be added at some point ::)
feed mixer
The feed mixing plant produces the optimal feed for your cows from silage, straw, hay and mineral feed.

Straw / straw: 150000
Hau / hay 150000
Silage 150000
Mimerall Lining: 150000
Rapeseed / Canola: 150000
Potatoes / Potato: 150000
Wheat / Wheat: 150000
Soybean / Soybean : 150000

Compound feed
Mineralfutter / Mineral feed
Schweinefutter / Pig feed

May be shared in other forums / discords
Download link remains original /// Download link remains original \\\

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If the re-upload is on the page, it was the last update.


Maddogs Design

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Commented on 2022-02-15 05:31:41

this looks cool. what would it take to get you to add horse feed?
60% oats or sorghum + 40% hay is what game asks for i believe
or at least its an idea you could use in a future mod possibly.

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