MAZ-5549 Pack v1.0.0.0


I am posting my modification of the MAZ-5549 mod for everyone to see, or rather, of three MAZs: the MAZ-503, MAZ-503A and MAZ-5549. They all come in a dump truck configuration and can be customized in the store.

The mod has:

- Its own unique sounds

- New physics (it is not called "Gut Shaker" for nothing, since it can shake your soul out in real life)

- The rear tires are mud tires, the front tires are highway tires, since this is a MAZ again, so that you do not get stuck in the fields (in case it is important to someone, of course)

- The choice of body configuration with or without stripes (8 and 12 cubes)

- Has rusty wear

- Gets dirty and can be washed

- Can be painted anywhere and everywhere, even pink

- Configuration of choice of junk and stickers

- Three interior configurations (varies depending on the model)


VFS, Cheb_mods, BMP, ASound

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