Mecklenburg Vorpommern v1.0.0.4



- descVersion increased (adapted to game version

- Adjusted terrainShader.xml which caused problems after patch:

- Traffic lights installed

- some traffic signs adapted in writing

- many traffic signs had no collision

- Adjusted the road at the village because there were various gaps

- SpeedDisplay made functional in the village (shows how fast you drive

- Klee (Clover) could be picked up with the pickup, but no particle system came out of the tube (chopper).

(Error was in the fruitTypes.xml <fruitTypeConverters> was COLVER_WINDROW instead of CLOVER_WINDROW)

- Reduced plant density on lavender and alfalfa (FPS drops)

- White cabbage was no longer visible in the last harvest stage

- Swapped the huds of the extra fruits

- deco bushes can now be mowed

- Added another ground layer so that you have several choices for painting in the game

- pickupEffects.xml adjusted when picking up grass swaths with the pickup, errors occurred

- You couldn't pick up rye after you dumped it on the ground

- Barrier at the sawmill now works

- Replaced lights in various halls

- installed new lamps on the Technikhof

- Exchanged and adjusted mountains halls on the entire map

- Added snow on all buildings

- the small meadow at the Kuhof leveled a bit

- Field 3, 14, 15 slightly leveled

- Smoothed field 6 holes at field entrance

- Adjusted bale sales (grass, hey, etc.)

- Adjusted texture paths for all new fruit bales

- Adjusted / renewed textures for the bales of the new fruits

- Added all fruits to the selling station "Getreide AG".

- New farmhouse installed

- replaced some trees

- Adjusted the sound of the AI ​​tractor

- Adjusted traffic splines

- various collisions of buildings renewed

- new fields defined












The time has come and you can now download version beta. Beta because there will certainly be little things here and there that we may have overlooked. Please take into account that only two people have converted this map to the LS22. On the one hand I (Mario) and on the other hand DtP Thomas. You can certainly imagine the work that was involved. If not, here are a few lists of what was done,

The grass has been completely redrawn throughout the map

Fields have been adjusted

Textures on buildings have been improved

Buildings were partly replaced or even made functional

all placeables have been reimplemented and adjusted

the folder structure has been adjusted

various textures that were no longer needed have been removed

TipColisions have been recreated

Trees have been completely replaced and scaled for the most part (1 1 1)

Splines were relaid and adjusted

The speed cameras have been adapted for the LS22

and much more

This is just a fraction of what the two of us did on the map. Well, this shouldn't be a whining, we want to have fun with the great map ;):thumbup:

What exactly was done to make it playable for the LS22 can be found in the following thread "Mecklenburg Vorpommern goes to FS22" or in the "ToDo"

If you find errors or have problems with the map, please post them in the following thread "Mecklenburg Vorpommern Bug Reports"

Here is some noteworthy information about certain functions on the map

At Getreide AG you can start a "trial engraver" which has no effect on the game (serves only for realism)

On the main courtyard [tt]MUST[/tt] you fold down the gallows so that you can fill your syringe (see pictures with the Dammann syringe)

In all manure pits and lagoons, the tarpaulins move visibly with the fill level

The speed cameras on the map work (be careful, they quickly cost money ;) )

Ground angles increased to 32

The gates in the main courtyard have been given rotating beacons, which rotate when the gates are opened and closed

A large lake was created at the main courtyard in the direction of the school

Added lime and fertilizer to buy in the port

Added seed production and liquid fertilizer production between field 22 and field 10 (where the liquid manure lagoon is)

An overview of the fields and their hectares

Field 1: 3,227 ha

Field 2: 18,063 ha

Field 3: 61,675 ha

Field 4: 26,601 ha

Field 5: 24,668 ha

Field 6: 49,032 ha

Field 7: 31,283 ha

Field 8: 57,717 ha

Field 9: 74,634 ha

Field 10: 91,077 ha

Field 11: 17,583 ha

Field 12: 61,616 ha

Field 13: 36,887 ha

Field 14: 35,649 ha

Field 15: 82,684 ha

Field 16: 6,304 ha

Field 17: 12,561 ha

Field 18: 6,461 ha

Field 19: 41,548 ha

Field 20: 21,395 ha

Field 21: 29,094 ha

Field 22: 83,233 ha

Field 23: 13,149 ha


DtP Mario
DtP Thomas

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