Northern Germany v1.1.0.0


A 4 compartment map with a real model south of Lüneburg in northern Germany

Version 1.1
Added fields per plane--> missions and numbers on the PDA, farm buildings can be demolished, two selling stations added, and small things.
ATTENTION: Log not "clean"; I can't fix it myself

The map is currently not finished because I work alone and the editor is only a month out.
On the map are 4 sales station built and there are 4 farms. About 50 small to large fields you can already manage now. A cowshed is also already built as standard.

For the map you need unfortunately a mod, this Sellingstation:
Gold Market buying station V1.0.1 FS22 - Farming Simulator 22 Mod

Other than that, there's not much else to say about the map.
If you like the basis of the map, but the execution is (justifiably) bad you are welcome to keep working on it and publish it if you mention me in the credits. But since there is still a lot of work to be done, I would also be happy if you write to me if you also like modding, want to help me with it and are preferably a bit more experienced than me.
If you think the map is good, but the execution is (justifiably) bad, you are welcome to work on it and publish it if you mention me in the credits.



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Commented on 2022-02-01 10:26:27

Die Karte hat potenzial, nur sollten die ganzen Fehler vorher gefixt werden. Und da spreche ich noch nicht einmal von den falschen Bodentexturen bei Feld 13 oder die Fehler beim Strohschwad. Auch stehen noch Kollisionen in der Landschaft rum und Strassen sind nicht richtig plaziert wurden, die Liste der Fehler ist sehr lang. Und hätte mit ein paar Testern die Ahnung vom Spiel haben auch gefunden und abgestellt werden können.
Fazit potenzial ja nur so nicht auf dauer spielbar.

The card has potential, but all the errors should be fixed beforehand. And I'm not even talking about the incorrect soil textures at field 13 or the straw swath errors. There are also collisions in the landscape and roads were not placed correctly, the list of errors is very long. And if a few testers had a clue about the game, it could have been found and turned off.
Conclusion potential so just not playable in the long run.

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