Porsche Turbo S 2014 V1.0.0.0


Porsche Turbo S 2014
➣ Price: 188,095$
➣ Power: 520 HP
➣ Max Speed: 315 KMH
➣ Body Color Configuration
➣ Rims Color Configuration
➣ Interior Color Configuration
➣ Windows Color Configuration
➣ Window Tint Configuration
➣ Spoiler Configuration
➣ Front Addon Configuration

➲ SimpleIC

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My GameSteam

Similar modifications

Commented on 2023-02-14 16:19:50

Wow ! Another great job from MyGamesteam...The 3d model itself its amazing..you did an awesome job with the 3d model..
The gameplay is not the best , the mod has some errors ( i fixed myself , so for me its not a problem ) but you should fix the errors for the people that use your mod and have no idea to fix the errors..
Some of the errors ..
1 The car should reach 315 km/h but can't go any faster than 209 km/h
2 The handling is wrong...when you turn left the car lean left ..and that is physically wrong..( car should leear right or at least stay straight)
3 The outside camera angle i think its not that good..easy fix inside XML
4 The spoiler after gaining speed raise to fast..easy fix
5 The steering is not perfectly round, easy fixed
Don't get me wrong man..the car mod is beautiful..i just point out the errors i found ( i hope you dont get upset at me)
In future i would really like to work with you 2 guys ,to be your mod tester before release it to public ( if my time will allow it) and if you 2 guys want that.Do you accept honest criticism about your mods..right ?
Anyway ..thanks for sharing this beautiful mod( fun fact..i made a similar Porsche mod for fs17 but a 2018 model and i really like that you came with another awesome Porsche for farming simulator game)

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My GameSteam
Reply comment on 2023-02-14 19:11:04

Glad you like our mod! no we're not upset, any kind of work may have some mistakes, but about the speed while we tested it we achieved the 315 km/h but on an empty map, contact us on discord so we can talk...!

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Reply comment on 2023-02-15 02:43:07

I'm not a big fan of discord ..maybe we can find another way to get in contact..

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My GameSteam
Reply comment on 2023-02-15 17:18:55

maybe by email? [email protected]

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Reply comment on 2023-02-15 22:41:44

I was hopping for a facebook group or something like that but i guess you don't have one....i send an email to you..

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