Rassvet Reworked v1.2.0.5


– 15 Fields

– Working selling stations and gasstation

Fixes from to

- Fixed all selling triggers

- Fixed ground collision

- Fixed all known places

- Working barriers and gates

Updates: Rework version:

- Added factories, if you want you can sell but got 0 money

- Fully working Animals husbandries

- Refixed not corrected shaders objects and working correctly

- Revorked Mechanical base, builded new Garages, added Vehicles

Fixed Updates: to Rework version:

- Added working sawmill, and supporting fully production chain

- Refixed old positions of bad triggers and fully setted to newest version of positions

- Supporting all another chains together ir productions systems

- Repainted missing area

If you want you can sell all builded objects and vehicles but you got a 0 money. All setted to 0 as default.

Log totally clean

If play on this map require new savegame, old savegame not working correctly.



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Commented on 2022-03-31 20:30:57

this was a good map in 19 i wish these guys would stop butchering it in 22 none of the original map animal pens work this guy just threw down all of the smallest animal pens there is and said look the animals are working now. none of the original silage pits work either so what did they do yeah throw down a generic pit thats floating in the air and called it good. the origanal pens and pit are all textured and very cool i hope someone takes the map and fixes it properly what a shame

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