Sariola Map v1.0.2.3


Welcome to Sariola, 4 x 4 km fictional Finnish map.

- Fixes on textures, masks, lights, collisions etc.
- Traffic spline corrections.
- New grass visuals.
- Some foliage coming through walls and floor on couple of old Silos removed. NOTE: These changes doesn't update to the existing save games. You can delete those in game at landscaping mode or replace densityMap_fruits.gdm in your save game with the equivalent one from mod folder. Do this in winter time so you only lose your winter crop. Replacing file is not recommended if you have already made landscaping.

A new save is not necessary, check the changelog section related to foliage.

- Minor fixes on some textures and decoration.
- Fixed occluders
- Fixed crop calendar. Poplar works correctly now. Notice: Sunflower and Maize won't get harvest ready in Nordics. You can still haravest maize for silage. Sunflowers are there only for brighten your scenery.
- Added grain on fields that are owned when starting new game in easy mode.

-307 fields with varying sizes and shapes and most can be combined into larger ones.
-24 sell points including production chains. Room for new Productions points. New options included, such as making firewood.
-Supports all features of the Farming Simulator 22 base game, including precision farming.
-Start from one of the three premade farms, or start completely from scratch.
-The weather corresponds to the conditions in Finland, during the snowy winter there is time to carefully plan the upcoming growing season.
-Choose the right plants for the short growing season in the Nordics, including new species rye and broad bean.
-Finnish license plates, both white-based EU plates and yellow-based special vehicle plates.
-Most of the bulding and decoration are made for this map spesifically to match the Finnish style.
-And much more!

No new game save required.



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Commented on 2023-10-17 22:31:42

how do you get wood production to work so that it makes wood pallets

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Reply comment on 2023-10-19 14:22:23

You won't, because this map sucks, because of "TERVEYSKESKU" (missing letter S from the end), which is why you WILL NOT PLAY THIS MAP EVER AGAIN!

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Commented on 2023-10-19 14:17:03

Kirjoitan tähän ihan vaan suomeksi, koska voi vittu...
Jätkä päivittelee mappia, mutta ei saatana osaa kirjoittaa "TERVEYSKESKUS" oikein. Siinä on lopussa "S"!
Sen siitä saa kun kasvatetaan tynnyrissä, ja laitetaan suoraan pellolle töihin... Sitten murrosiässä saa äitipuoleltaan (talon piialta) vaikenemislahjaksi ensimmäisen tietokoneensa, jolla voi papan ja siskojen kanssa pelailla Farming Simulatoria paskanluomisen ohessa.
Ei siinä lukemaan eikä kirjoittamaan ehdi oppia tietenkään.
Saatana, ei vaan pysty tätä mappia pelaamaan, ei sitten millään. Sen verran pahasti ottaa silmään joka vitun kerta tuo Agrogaatin "TERVEYSKESKU" heti aloituksesta lähtien kun asemalta lähtee kävelemään keskustaan päin... Ei jumalauta näin!!!

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