Selling Station modded v1.0.8


EN: A modded version of the selling station mod that accepts all products (yes, even water, because why not).

v1.0.8: ​Added all filltypes from the Hof Productions Pack
Status: beta
Added filltype of corn drying complex
Status: 1.0.0
Mod Description: Added French
Build menu: French name changed

Version 1.0_7
​Added all new filltypes from the potato factory mod
Status: 1.0.0
Added filltype from Pallete Production mod
Status: 1.0.0
Added filltype from MCAIN PRODUCTION mod
Status: 1.0.0
Added filltype from FISH PRODUCTION mod
Status: 1.0.0
​Added all filltypes from ​POTATO PROCESSING PACK mod
Status: 1.1

DE: Eine gemoddete Version von den Verkaufsstation mod die alle Produkte akzeptiert (ja auch Wasser, weil warum auch nicht).


FarmerMike5390 (Conversion)
Fernand24 (orginal Mod)
GIGAAj1 (Modder)

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Commented on 2022-01-22 02:27:38

Update removed old selling station and does not come up in store anymore

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Reply comment on 2022-01-26 22:40:50

Yes. Works great. Thanks

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