Sisu Hooklift Pack v1.0.0.0


Hooklift pack that contains a Sisu Hooklift, a Hooklift container for wood chip and other bulk goods and a Trailer for two hooklift containers.
works with some other containers that are in modhub aswell. Remember that detach button is default CTRL+Q it helps with detaching the container from the trailer.

Sisu Hooklift
price 180000€-195300€
color options for cabin, frame, rolls and wheels

Hooklift container
price 6500€-7500€
volume 28000L
color options

price 35000€-35500€
can hold two hooklift containers
lifting axles on 3rd and 5th axles. turning 6th axles
color options for frame, fenders and rims



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Commented on 2023-11-29 19:14:20

funktioniert nicht mit strg+q......sobald du den Anhänger abhängst, sind die bomben fest....

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