Speed Camera v2.1.0.0


- Fixed a bug with loading values from the placeables.xml.
- Added blinking warning translation so other speed cameras can use the translation if they have enabled this feature.
- Added an option so that the owner of the speed camera gains the money of the fine minus a little transaction fee.

- Added a dialog to configure the values of the speed camera yourself on placement.

- Added possibility to allow placement on non-buyable farmland
- Added possibility to reconfigure the speed camera post placement. To do so you have to stand near the speed camera and then press the activate key

A speed camera that triggers at about 50km/h.
There is a small tolerance range for speed measurement to prevent measurement inaccuracies.
If you drive too fast while passing the speed camera you will be flashed and have to pay a fine.
The speed camera works in both directions.
One speed camera initally costs 150000$. After that the daily upkeep is 1000$.

When placing the speed camera a dialog shows up to allow the configuration of the speed limit of the speed camera.


tn4799, RickBlackLabele

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