The Vegetable Farm v1.0.1.0


Modpack for those who would like to have a more elaborate vegetable farm.

Version 1.0.1
Removed superfluous fill type in the washing system

The vegetable farm for standard cards:
Basic production:
Elderberry field
- produces elderberries and rotten vegetables

Greenhouse/foil tunnel
- produces asparagus, cauliflower, spring onions, cucumbers, garlic, mushrooms and rotten vegetables

Further processing:

- processes rotten vegetables into organic material (bulk material or big bag)

Compost silos S/M/L
- processes organic material, shredded material or grass into compost

- processes organic material into compost more quickly (bulk material or big bag)

Washing system
- processes potatoes into washed potatoes and rotten vegetables


Vegetable hall
- storage hall for potatoes/sugar beets as bulk material
- storage hall for produced vegetables as pallet storage

Point of sale:
- for all The sales points already included on the cards apply to the types of vegetables
- for rotten vegetables there is the collection container of the local pig feed producer

- Farm sign

- Front weights in 1000/1500 kg

Version for cards with onions:

Washing system
- processes potatoes/onions into washed potatoes/onions and rotten vegetables

Vegetable hall
- Storage hall for potatoes/onions as bulk goods

Version for the NF March 4x:

Vegetable hall
- Storage hall for potatoes/onions as bulk goods

All productions require maintenance and/or electrical charging
The washing system also produces waste water, which can be used as a booster in vegetable cultivation.

Compost can be sold at the sales points for bark mulch.
Production Revamp required for all three versions.



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