TLX pick up v1.0.0.0


This is not mine mod but i change few things up and put a logo on it.



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Commented on 2022-03-14 16:37:55

If it's not yours then don't release your stolen edited crap!!
This one was made by 82Studio - a highly respected and capable modder who shares everything with the community. We don't need fuckups like you stealing mods and re-releasing them - and keep your foolish edits private!

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Reply comment on 2022-03-15 15:49:07

you're why woman swallow

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Commented on 2022-03-14 17:05:48

oh dear this is not good is it, i was just saying how i love you modders them this happens . doing this type of thing just pulls all the good modders down . so go away and make your own mods and get some respect back.

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Commented on 2022-03-14 19:11:52

Put YOUR logo on it and re release it ya okay that makes zero sense

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Commented on 2022-03-14 20:41:38

Darwin Award right there!...

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Commented on 2022-03-15 01:39:25

Grow up people leave the kid alone he put this isn't his mod and that he change few things. If he stoling it he would have said it was his and change everything but he didn't but you guys want to bitch who fucking cares who made it first.

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Commented on 2022-03-15 02:40:59

So let me get this straight. This is someone's mod and he put in there that he didn't create it so he stole it? You people know that everyone is stealing mods then right? There are a ton of mods even be respected modders that are exactly the same. They got it from somewhere right? Some are done from Scratch that know body else has. But the ones that are the same they got from somewhere. Are there really this many unintelligent people in the world. This guy had the decency to put in there that it was not his and I'm willing to bet even the modder respects that. He could of just claimed it his. A ton of modders good and "bad" will take someone else's and put their own twist on it or fix it to work better because people like you will ask someone to add something different to it. You kids need to grow up and start being men and pay attention in school more. You can't talk like that at home so you think its cool to come on here and flex some muscle on other people because your hiding behind a screen. Just grow up punks.

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