Tomato storage with 120000l capacity v1.0.0.0


This mod is a simple placeable tomato warehouse with 120,000l capacity
The output mode in the warehouse can also be changed to sell directly, then the stock will be sold directly. Pallets that are in front of the warehouse will not be taken into account when selling, as usual with the new productions
As usual with the new productions, the first pallets are already outside and ready for pickup.
MFG SidoxGamer



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Commented on 2021-11-26 23:40:35

need one storage for all and not 1 eatch can that be done

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Commented on 2021-11-26 23:46:58

Exactly like Raven. If there is a cold-storage facility, you keep every product there.

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Commented on 2021-11-27 01:02:43

how do u use it do u take item to it or after grown at greenhouse does it go to storage

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Commented on 2021-11-27 01:54:03

on all your storages its throwing a lua error just by looking in the shop not even placing it, maybe check log before uploading .....

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