Trail King Double Schnable Trailer and Wind Tower Sections v1.0.0.0


Used to haul wind tower sections, the Trail King Double Schnable trailer consists of a TK100JLW Jeep rated for 100,000 lbs, a Jeep Schnable Gooseneck rated for 85,000 lbs, a TK120LPSD-HS Steering Dolly rated at 120,000 lbs, and a Dolly Schnable Gooseneck rated for 85,000 lbs.

Mod Features:

·         Color selection for the Frame, Inner Frame, and Fenders

·         Jeep has adjustable fifth wheel (AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM2)     

·         Jeep Landing gear raised with Interactive Control (

·         Schnable necks adjustable for height and tilt (AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL2 and AXIS_FRONTLOADER_ARM2)

·         Chains and binders adjustable for angle and length (AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL4 and AXIS_FRONTLOADER_TOOL3)

·         Ladders moved with Interactive Control

·         Flags added to dolly with Interactive Control

·         Dolly transport/work mode with Interactive Control on the control lever

·         Buildable Wind Tower included

o   Ground Base (multiple heights)

o   Ground base has elevator to go to different heights inside tower

o   Base Section

o   Middle Section

o   Top Section

o   Observation Deck

o   Nacelle, rotor, and blades will be made/released later

To attach and detach tower sections watch this tutorial:

There is a READ_ME.pdf file inside the mod zipped folder.

If you find any issues or have problems reach out to me on my Facebook group:

Or Discord:


JrbrownOverland (Jeremy Brown)


Commented on 2023-07-22 17:25:03

Nice, Thanks! Can't wait to try everything out. Finally have a reason to try and use the big crane too!

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Commented on 2023-07-24 03:18:51

Where do I find the sections of the turbine?

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Reply comment on 2023-12-30 05:19:54

Did you ever find it?

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Commented on 2023-07-25 18:35:35

salut, au menu de t'es mods , un carré sans image mais marqué Trail king double

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