VehicleInspector v1.84 Beta


The VehicleInspector is designed to give you a quick overview of your vehicles. What are they doing/what do they have loaded/which ones are active etc. etc.

--implements view Vehicle Working Width (optional On/Off in Gui Menue) "Arbeitsbreite" --Default On
--fix view over MultiOverlay Slot (ü,ä etc. Filltype not see)
--implements Helper + Info H-VC H-CP H-AD etc. (CoursePlay/AutoDrive/VehicleControl/...)
--implements Blocking Vehicles (is Blocking Warning Text On)
--implements Job Text by AD (needs View JobType Text On)
--fix Overlap MiniMap and VehicleInspector Display
--joinVehicles set State Cmd + Icon for MultiOverlayV4 Hud (Join Vehicles Own or Contractor)
--Gui Menue Update

In multiplayer and singleplayer play.
*MultiOverlayV4 Hud Ready*here
!ATTENTION! some vehicle mods are not supported
Features: InGame Settings Menü. Alles Optional Einstellbar. Join Vehicle mit Click auf ein Fahrzeug in der Anzeige wenn du die Maus aktiverst hast. etc. etc.
View LS 22 KeySettings für MouseCursor On/Off (Default *F12* für alle meine Mods) here
!! Es funktioniert nicht alles und es ist auch nicht alles Freigeschaltet !!
Die vielfalt an Fahrzeugen Anhängern etc. macht es unmöglich alles und jede Constellation zu testen. Darum BETA und darum braucht ein Modder Bug Reports
BugListe für Aktuelle Version: Fix(next Version) Prüfen Nicht Reproduzierbar Info
Blocking Vehicle
No more, no less
And if you don't like it you should just not load it :-)

1.Release with original download link only. NO substitute link
2.Modifying as well as re-uploading is not allowed.


Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser
Tester: HappyLooser/ModHoster User
Sonstige: HappyLooser

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Commented on 2022-01-27 17:10:27

This is crazy, just show the active vehicles and thats it.
Its getting out of hand and we only have limited space on our displays that i not want to spend on looking at a silly list.
Just saying.

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Reply comment on 2022-01-29 00:49:06

just because you dont like it, doesnt mean other dont want it. i find it usefull as i have many vehicles running in my farm with autodrive and courseplay, i can see which is getting full with crops or which has finished the job and start other job.
If you dont find it usefull, dont use it and carry on, dont say something is silly just because you dont like it, many people use it and like it.

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Commented on 2022-01-27 19:03:04

Thank you for the mod. I appreciate the in game menu to adjust settings rather than the XML file.

One thing I would like to see is an option to keep the data stationary. Instead of moving with the F1 menu. Choosing an X and Y coordinate and it staying put.

As you can see when you change controls, the data moves around with the help menu.

Thanks again!

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