Wild West v1.1


Hello all welcome to the Wild West v1.1.  All new crops and custom productions and buildings Special thanks to Papa Smurf and his crew Darth Nerfhrarder Sarg Crazt Granny Kiwi Bena and our Facebook group.  


Cazz64 O.A.G Buck and Lonestar Farms, Papa Smurf and Crew

Similar modifications

Commented on 2022-02-04 08:56:44

Quelle Horreur mon Dieu

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Commented on 2022-02-04 11:16:09

tu sais pas faire de virage
mon fils de 3 ans fait mieux

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Reply comment on 2022-02-05 04:50:21

What are you doing to your 3 year old? Stop it!

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Commented on 2022-02-04 12:20:33

il y a toujour des mecontant

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Commented on 2022-02-04 15:01:26

Its just so SQUARE

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Commented on 2022-02-04 17:37:29

impossible de l'installée a 65% plantage de l'ordinateur si quelqu'un a une solution je suis preneur

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Commented on 2022-02-04 19:04:35

courseplay on this map clashes, every time i try and generate a course game hard freezes

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Commented on 2022-02-05 08:31:38

So much potential lost on this map. Lacks substance, life, and attention to detail. Its bland and boring, not to mention screwed up

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Commented on 2022-02-05 08:52:12

hell teach them how to cook..nothing else is working. a BigRich No Touch steak takes 7 minutes to cook. do the math..thats 3.5 (half) minutes a side done. (the thinner the meat the less cook time....the thicker the meat add a minute) BigRich's No Touch 7 Minute Steak is the best and here's how you cook it. medium heat, skillet, 2 tablespoons of olive oil. dry the meat with a paper towel. do not season the steak..its a fast cook..so cook about 2 minutes and then add your seasoning and a splash of worecestshire suce. flip..do the same..no touch. once finished..take a knife and slice a piece, see the crust..see the grey and a hint of pink..thats a medium well Steak. you'll remember how to cook a steak the right way from now on. you can thank me in silence. go cook a steak for someone..now that you know how.

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Commented on 2022-02-05 12:12:08

Need to reupload map so it has a direct download cant use sharemods.com

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Commented on 2022-02-05 16:03:33

Total and utter pile of sh*te. Can't get it above 30 fps where other maps are running at 60+. Reckon 2 of his testers must be Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles, blind as fuck. Back to the drawing board, worst FS19 convert to date.

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Commented on 2022-02-05 21:48:32

BigRich ModLite Diet Plan..is all mental and only the strong survive. i say strong, becase lets face it..you have to keep yourself policed and away from the mods. No ike..im not telling you cant own a gun, im just saying your not carrying a gun in town. ..organise your mods, doing so? puts you in the habit of managing you're mods, and before you know it...your managing yourself. win/win. only the balls intact can pull this off..so good luck to all who dare to Diet on Modlite. take all the mods from your Fs22 game/mods folder. ALL current scripts go back into the mod folder first (we're layering a cake) ok then placibles (per need not want) impliments and taillers, and lastly the vehicles and tractors. ok no go into the game..go to mod hub, see your installed mods?...notice your mod list arrangment has changed and is in order. ok now your game will run better. the more you install mods..the more frequent you'll need to repeat this. smart gaming to all. ModLIte is the drink for me.

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Commented on 2022-02-07 20:56:24

no se puede sembrar café, ni plantadoras ni sembradoras lo tienen puesto como semilla el café

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Commented on 2022-02-11 11:04:30

My friends and i love this map and have played it since the fs19 version. Will you be bringing back the other farmable crops as well because we really miss the tomatoes and lettuce, etc.

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