About the XLFarms X1 map
The X1 map appeared in FS17, it was an update of a series of maps made for FS15 where, initially it was just called XLFarms. For FS17 the map was rethought, its layout was changed and the terrain topography adjusted. In FS19 the map was converted, new elements added, the main farm was remodeled. The terrain remained the same.
Now, in FS22 we had a big change in the layout of the main farm, its structure was remodeled and several objects were adapted. The terrain and topography remain the same.
There are 8 fields ranging in size from 22.04 to 50.85 hectares, in a total cultivation area of 280.64 hectares.
The map has the Main Farm where most of the elements are centered. There you start (I recommend the easy way) with a house and some sheds for your machines. 2 fields are owned by you.
The map has its own locations for installing wind power generators. Place for sale of animals and vehicles in addition to a mill for sale of products.

1 Downloads in
3 years ago

all those pics and you couldn't include one of the map...jfc
Mayby next time you should find te time to watch the video that will give you a very good view af the layout.
you little cry baby. if you played this game long enough you would of known how the map is. and it takes less time to dl and see for yourself. rather then to come here and whine, especially when you are getting it for free!
comes the 16x too?
Why does every map upload only have shitty screenshots but never a screenshot of the whole map?
because their main focus is how many downloads they can get. you have to download to see the map. then you see all the bugs, delete, then dl the update after they fixed a tree or moved a bench, see its still trash and delete. its a cycle to generate more downloads. which is why 8/10 mods and maps are just trash and will have perpetual updates. the good modders avoid that and actually test their stuff before release. then move on to the next mod knowing they arent going to have to fix the mod til Giants fucks everything up again with a so-called patch. another cycle.
whiners like you are the reason we dont see good shit anymore. just STFU already
Btw there is no Cotton on this map
Not as good as 19 but a fun map to play.
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