2005 Ford F350 v1.0.0.0


Releasing a free 2005 Ford F350 6.0L. I dont see many 6.0s for fs25 and i love these trucks so i decided to build a free one for yall. Hitches, lights, all that work, has a bunch of options, etc. The mod might not be 100% perfect but its pretty close. I know ill get complaints about the sticker on the back window, but i have to promote myself somehow, and my patreon is what funds my in real life 6.0 powerstroke. if you dont like it, simply don't download it, shouldn't even have to explain that but i do.




Commented on 2025-03-27 06:33:10

quick modding dude wtf. This things ass

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Commented on 2025-03-27 15:58:47

Junk ass mods he sells them too? Id feel awful selling shit to people.

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