Here I would like to present to you my very first self-built LS map.
- PDA adapted.
- New loading screen.
- Field -> 40 -> 41 *New*
- Bridges added to the lake.
- Animal trade changed.
- Second moving boat added.
- Speed of boats increased.
- New pedestrian splines added (pedestrians).
- Dirt tracks added to some field path exits.
- Field -> 16 -> 18 -> 19 -> 20 -> 21 -> 36 -> 37 -> 38 -> new field shape.
- Forest 1 spruce trees moved that were stuck in the raised area at the edge.
- BGA terrain rebuilt (BGA must now be bought, but the land can also be bought).
- Error in animal trade fixed, you no longer spawn in the middle of the animal trade when teleporting to the farmland.
- The AutoDrive.config is still from V2 and needs to be adapted to V3, experienced users can easily do this themselves, but unfortunately I don't have time for it at the moment.
The map is my own invention and is not based on any real-life region.
I worked on the map for over 3 months and am now happy to be able to present it to you.
As this is my first map, please don't expect a high quality map here.
- 2 farms
- 6 forest areas
- 39 field areas
- 10 productions
- 50 collectibles
ArmeusMap is a 2-fold map

1 Downloads in
1 month ago

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