Juotca Map v1.0.0.0


1. 13 fields (from small to large);
2. 13 placeable places (P1-P13);
3. 4 forest areas
4. Factories ready.
5. Traffic ready.
6. Wetness deco on roads, fields, and factory places when it rains.
7. Tiles in all placeable areas and factories


Author: Juotca (Calvince Juma)
Credit: tylilgaming (Richmond)

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Commented on 2024-12-21 23:05:09

Do not like trees or bushes around fields. If there's ever an update, would like for them to be removed.

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Commented on 2024-12-22 00:19:59

super interesting map. too bad the AI ​​cuts across fields for movement... I hope for an update.. otherwise.. we'll have to wait for autodrive.. great work!!

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