MBtrac 440 Forst v1.0.0.0 BETA


MBtrac 440 Forst by mbtrac4bis6Zylinder

Approvals are available!
As many people have wanted an MBtrac 440 (800-900) Forst, I thought I would grant you this wish. :)
I will also add my 441 (1000-1100) Forst as an update of this mod. ;)

This mod is a BETA version! This means that bugs or errors may still occur! The mod is not unplayable!
The cable winch works!

Ingame information:
Category: Compact tractors
Speed: 42.5 km/h
Volume: 120 L diesel
Price: €30,000

If further bugs occur or something is not right, contact me on my Disicord server!
Have fun hauling wood!




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