Papenburger Map 2 4K v2.3.9.0


Papenburg Map 4-fold

Version 2.3.9
- Error Store Picture Could not be loaded Medium BGA (35) Fixed
No new savegame required
Unpack map archive and put mods in the mods folder
Download modular BGA

I hereby present to you the Papenburg Map v2 4K

It is a 4-fold map
- It has 105 fields with a total of 1042.9 hectares
- 44855 trees
- Numerous sales outlets and productions.
- 5 finished farms including 3 biogas plants
- Several free spaces for additional farms or productions

Have fun.....
If you have any problems or questions, visit me on my Discord.

Support only on the Discord!!

Greetings Jimkerk



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