An overhaul to the weather system, focusing mainly on snow.
- Added new cell system covering the entire map, each cell has its own unique moisture and moisture retention based on surrounding cells (cells are 4x4 up to 15x15 depending on PC specs)
- Re-enabled and improved crop withering at low moisture
- Crops can now wither in small patches based on their cell's moisture
- Crops now have a fluctuating percentage of withering every 4 hours
- Added 2 new irrigation systems; field irrigation through the context menu (paid daily), and irrigation using sprayers
- Sprayers can now be filled with water which will give 4x as much moisture when irrigating
- Added automatic grass -> hay drying based on moisture, further details above
- Bales left outside during rain will now slowly lose content based on rainfall amount
- Added 12 new ambient sounds, including new sounds for blizzards, different rain amounts, hail, birds and crickets
- Reduced moisture requirements for sugarcane and sugarbeet
- Fixed moisture not being synced on MP
- Fixed certain weather events not being synced on MP
- Fixed "attempt to index nil with 'temperature'" error
- Adds 3 new "disaster" weather events, blizzards, droughts and extremely thick fog
- New grass moisture system which dries tedded grass into hay over time
- Extends the info display in the top right, adding information on temperature, upcoming disasters and predicted snow amount
- Adds a moisture mechanic to fields; each type of crop has an ideal moisture range, being inside this range increases harvest yield
- Moisture changes constantly depending on sunlight, temperature and rainfall
- Crops with extremely low moisture will wither
- Hail will now cause damage and wear to vehicles left outside
- Wheel physics changed significantly
- Maximum amount of snow has been doubled
- Livestock will leave "footprints" in deep snow (only on high-end systems)
- Blizzards:
--- Blizzards are rare events that will cause significant snowfall in a short period of time, causing up to 1 metre high snow
--- Temperature during blizzards can go as low as -15 celsius
--- Snow will likely remain for much longer time
- Droughts:
--- Droughts result in extreme heat which will lead to rapid moisture loss in fields
- Fog:
--- Extremely thick fogs may occur where visibility is extremely low for up to 14 hours
- Wheel Physics:
--- Friction for all wheel types have been changed to be much more realistic
--- Friction will now decrease more realistically based on road and vehicle conditions, including vehicle weight, snow amount, and snow wetness
--- Braking times are now dependant on friction and number of wheels; lower friction will result in longer braking times, whereas more wheels result in faster times
--- Wheels will gradually destroy snow more realistically, based on the weight the wheel is carrying, snow amount and snow wetness
--- Heavier vehicles will sink in snow much more than lighter vehicles; sunk vehicles may get completely stuck
--- Driving cars and heavy equipment in heavy snow will be almost impossible as a result, specific vehicles, such as vehicles with tracks, are required
- Grass Moisture System:
--- After tedding mowed grass, it will dry into hay over time based on its moisture
--- Tedded grass has its own individual moisture content based on the moisture of the field when it was mowed
--- Tedded grass will gain/lose moisture at different rates than fields
--- New info box when standing on tedded grass, showing its moisture, required moisture, and whether it needs to be tedded (currently disabled on MP)
--- Please bear in mind that this feature in its current state may cause lag on lower-end systems or on extremely large fields

29 Downloads in
3 days ago

this version locks my game could be its not playing with another mod well i went back to the previous version and its fine
this version locks my game
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