Converted the Russian grain harvester Rostselmash RSM 161 modification by KalifZerich into the 25th farm.
Mod features:
RSM 161:
- Price: $275,000
- Power: 380 hp
- Tank: 1050 l
- Speed: 40 km/h
- Hopper capacity: 10,500 l
- Configurations: choice of wheels, choice of rim color
Draper Stream 900 Header:
- Price: $45,000
- Working width: 9 m
- Working speed: 10 km/h
Спасибо за мод все работает
H:/ModyFS25/FS25_RSM161Pack/RSM_161.i3d (184.24 ms)
2024-11-26 19:18 dataS/scripts/xml/XMLValueType.lua:182: Warning: Failed to parse parameter '1' into the number. (vector '- - 0')
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