Here is a fairly basic US style flat lands map (4X)
Fixed Sawmill (placement and floating objects)
Replaced roads for US roads
Removed random hydrant in road
200 Fields of varying sizes
Ideal for field farmers
There are selling points and produtction points to get you going
One man show, so I've tested as best I can.
Completely broken. Looks good overall. If you hire a worker to use a seeder on your field, when they lower the seeder, it glitches into the map ground and they get stuck.
works fine for me what seeder was you using
can you put the US vehicle tags
and add traffic and a train
with the update the sawmill mill is still in a field
The AI cannot pathfind around the map more than a hundred meters or so, and when they do so they do not stay on roads and run into objects. My guess is there are no pathfinding points baked in or the roads are not cleanly laid out.
Being unable to sent AI workers places makes this huge map unplayable for a solo player, but it could be fun in multiplayer if you don't use AI workers.
Did you remove the hydrant in the middle of the road at 0.1, 2447, 1431 ?
Yes, there are still bugs; but please keep working on it. It's a nice map. Lots of space. :D
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