US Flatlands Map 4x v1.2.1


Here is a fairly basic US style flat lands map (4X)


Added Train and 2 Grain elevators (one is the EU one as I am not a mdoeller)
Sped up train slightly due to map size
Replaced License Plates for US style
Added additional ponds

200 Fields of varying sizes

Ideal for field farmers

There are selling points and produtction points to get you going

One man show, so I've tested as best I can. Unsure why hired helpers don't do things right, has been ok for me but will keep trying to see why it happens to others.
Only implement I have had sinking and not moving is the modded Kinze MultiFruit planter

Will need a new save game due to field alterations for railroad.



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Commented on 2024-11-30 14:28:02

I would really like this map, but I can't find it anywhere in the game! If I put the "zip" file in the mod folder, I can't see it, if I put it in the savegamexx folder, it doesn't appear in the saved positions! What do I need to do to be able to play with the map?

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Reply comment on 2024-11-30 17:05:27

just drop in to the mods folder and start a new safe done

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Commented on 2024-11-30 19:41:34

Sell points are now missing

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Commented on 2024-11-30 19:43:20

Also, AI didnt want to go there, seems like it doesnt rekognice the roads

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Commented on 2024-11-30 20:56:41

Did you fix the fillpoint at the grain mill?

Does this map require a new save game?

Also, judging the comments, you're new at this Giants Editor, aren't you?

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Reply comment on 2024-11-30 21:35:00

As it says in the description, yes does need a new save game. I am not totally new to it but when you have noone to test stuff things do get missed. I will check the Grain Mill..

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Reply comment on 2024-12-01 05:26:48

Everybody's new to Giants Editor at some point or another. It's been new to me since 2015, and with every new release, things change. I've spoken to a few regular modders who have found updating FS22 mods a little less than easy due to code changes. It takes time. Play, test, fix. Have some patience.

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Commented on 2024-12-01 00:39:49

So he added additional stuff and hasn't fixed what's broken like the seeders glitching through the map and 4 other people for a total of 5 have confirmed this issue.

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Reply comment on 2024-12-01 09:48:47

I have tried 3 different planters and seeders on each type of ground (plowed/cultivated etc) on 5 different fields and none have shown that behaviour. The only one that did when I tried was a mod available for the Kinze planter (multifruit). Does it happen with every field? Does it happen with every planter and seeder on any type of ground?

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Commented on 2024-12-01 13:42:38

The map I played in 22 before was Frankenmuth's map. You can refer to that map and make another one of the same size.

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Commented on 2024-12-01 17:28:07

Since update there are no rocks when plowing

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Commented on 2024-12-14 01:06:39

Not sure if this is a mod conflict or what but none of the contracts have "BORROW ITEMS". So I cant lease equipment for contracts. I never had this issue in previous versions of this map.

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