Winter Massacre v1.3.2 - Minecraft 1.20.1


This mod adds new types of snowballs, such as icy snowball, which when hitting the target explodes into many ice shards or dynamite snowball that explodes when hitting the target and others.


Snow dust - when used, it produces a cloud of snow particles

Frosted snowball - when hitting the target, it explodes into many icy shards.

Dynamite snowball - explodes when hitting the target or flying too long

Stone Snowball - works like a regular snowball, but does more damage.

Blade Snowball - pierces the target, allowing you to hit several opponents at once.

Plant Snowball - the snowball's damage depends on the lighting (Every 3 levels of lighting adds 1 damage).

Ender Pearl Snowball - teleports all mobs in the area from the point where it hits it

Snowball with Prismarine Shards - throws a lot of Prismarine Shards along with the snowball itself.

Magnetic snowball - attracts objects to itself

Mushroom snowball - works opposite to the plant snowball, i.e. the less illumination the stronger it is.

Snowball with the eye of the edge - during the flight moves in the direction where the player looks and if you did not hit the mob returns to your inventory.

Phantom Snowball - flies towards the mob that was last hit by the player

Honey Snowball - casts a sticking effect on the creature hit (This effect slows the creature down and disappears if it is in water).

Snowball with Neser outgrowth - applies a random effect to the creature hit.

Quartz Snowball - teleports all experience around it to the player.

Slick Snowball - throws opponents upwards.

Copper Feather Snowball - flies much faster than other snowballs.

Amethyst Snowball - after hitting the target, amethyst crystals form on the blocks next to it and shatter into several shards that deal damage when someone steps on them.

Snowball with chorus fruit - after hitting a mob, it teleports to a random location nearby and keeps flying.


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