Comments by ACMEACRES1

3 years ago

<p>goldcrest valley sell point is the train.</p>

<p>Just a re-skin of the John Deere which can be found all over without the annoying download site.</p>

<p>Looking forward to giving this a go. Looks much more my style than the original. Nice job!</p>

<p>So this is the description of the mod on Papasmurfs site......"FS22 no Collision Camera not my mod but i brought it into fs19 mod works and has been tested all credits go to the mod creater .CRE...

<p>Here is the actual link to the map. Best to use this one rather than a sketchy one.</p>

<p>Only mod you need is GC, nothing else. If your missing something then its on your end, maybe a mod conflict or something of that nature. One other thing, CAZZ does not use this site so beware of...