Comments by AE MODDING

3 years ago

<p>hahaha who uploaded this video? It has nothing to do with my mod. comic..</p>

<p>It wouldn't be too realistic. that's why i didn't.</p>

<p>You may not like it, there are people who do.</p>

3 years ago

<p>that's it, not yes. because I bought the parts from fs19. I didn't get the parts from fs22. I'm glad we can agree, my friend.</p>

3 years ago

<p>It says fs 19 because if I wrote fs 22, the parts belong to fs 19, people would say that they belong to fs22 and they do not exist in fs22. Are you having trouble understanding?</p>

3 years ago

<p>what do you mean bro? These tracks from fs19. :) <br /> don't blame people for nothing :)</p>