Comments by AKTheSavag

<p>By far Two of my most favorite mods for FS19 so far!<br><br>Expendables mods are always top quality and i Can't wait to see what they come up with next!<br><br>Great job guys!</p>

<p>What i find funny, is someone linked their Shitty Irrelevant Farm sim video to this mod. ( Which doesn't even appear in the video )</p>

<p>This mod is trash.<br></p>

<p>It's not "Steerable" if you can't actually steer it in game.<br></p>

4 years ago

<p>Not sure why you would need 4 separate welders. Also, one of the tank has missing textures. </p>

<p>Ya'll bicker worse than old women. Seriously.</p>