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4 years ago


4 years ago

Nice International Eagle 9300. like the old school wheels. good job.

4 years ago

where is your contribution? you have none. and why? because you talk to much. you talk way too much to be a 'Doer" doer's DO and talkers TALK SHIT about what others DO. your girlfriend, Fiance' or ...

so- you have added a POS converted FS17 mod..with FS15 textures now into FS19. this mod is Lame as fuck. do you Turds ever farm the game, you know- actually play this game, and turn a profit for th...

McCormick INTL Doncaster England. MC115 perkins 4.0L 4cyl Diesel 115Hp @ PTO 96Hp (claimed) 4x4 MFWD. 540/1000 PTO, power shift transmission, shuttle shift, creeper gear. Todays prices range $17,50...

4 years ago

..and then there are those who Mod under false pretense that they - will re invent the wheel like some genius ..and then we end up with garbage such as this mod. we live in 2020 AND THIS IS THE BES...