<p>It is kinda dumb because Lambo and Winston are smarter than us LOL.</p>
<p>Working on 1.4 With a good computer, and the errors are minor errors coming from a modder, Great Map In 17 and Now In 19, You would think with all this complaining, that people would get it thro...
<p>Please download this from https://modding.ninja/farming-simulator-19-mods/police-fire-fs19-mods/seagraves-fire-engine-v1-0-0-0-fs19/2020/</p>
<p>I would do this but, the ramp sticks out past the frame and you would not be able to get to it!</p>
<p>Full of errors of backups. A let down from you guys this time!</p>
<p>Fucker why did you post a mod that was Angry American Modding, Not yours bitch #mod-network.</p>
Christopher Gibson
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Comments by Chaser
4 years ago
<p>It is kinda dumb because Lambo and Winston are smarter than us LOL.</p>
4 years ago
<p>Working on 1.4 With a good computer, and the errors are minor errors coming from a modder, Great Map In 17 and Now In 19, You would think with all this complaining, that people would get it thro...
4 years ago
<p>Please download this from https://modding.ninja/farming-simulator-19-mods/police-fire-fs19-mods/seagraves-fire-engine-v1-0-0-0-fs19/2020/</p>
4 years ago
<p>I would do this but, the ramp sticks out past the frame and you would not be able to get to it!</p>
4 years ago
<p>Full of errors of backups. A let down from you guys this time!</p>
4 years ago
<p>Fucker why did you post a mod that was Angry American Modding, Not yours bitch #mod-network.</p>