Comments by Drakomis

4 years ago

<p>Wow, not even a consideration of english</p>

4 years ago

<p>Sketchy website being used as link, guys, be advised</p>

<p>Man, you'd think these folks would know how to put a link in.</p>

4 years ago

<p>"Something for people who like to complain"<br><br>You should probably just spell it out. All the entitled brats. Lmao. Keep up the good work Thomas, ignore the haters.</p>

<p>The fact alone that you're using sharemods spells volumes about how much you care about the mod, and apparently it doesn't work so....I mean. I'm not sure how to feel. On one hand I'm happy a mo...

4 years ago

<p>THIS IS AN AWESOME MOD! Highly recommend to download. VERY DETAILED Lights and interior. VERY AWESOME.</p>