Comments by RITrucker

3 years ago

<p>Listen, @modsets, or mods_ats, or whatever your name is, do us all a favor and fuck off. Go suck on Cyrus' dick, and then you AND him can go buttfuck yourselves to oblivion and do the rest of us...

<p>Rico, it may not have had any encryption, but you still leaked it. A lot of people didn't know about this, and I'm pretty sure that was the way they wanted it. What you did, though you're trying...

<p>Nice job, brother! As I said on the page, I'ma do nasty things to the exhaust pipe. Lol</p>

3 years ago

<p>@Name: Crack is bad. You shouldn't use crack. Stop using crack. <br></p>

3 years ago

<p>Rename the file with FS_ before the mod name. That should trigger the game to recognize it. <br></p>

3 years ago

<p>What the FUCK..... AGAIN with this bullshit?? Do you WANT all mods to stop? NMC is still putting out amazing content even with all the drama, but how long until they are the only one left? Hell,...