Comments by Raven2971

4 weeks ago

<p>2024-11-24 17:03 Warning (D:/farming sim 25/mods/FS25_MF_9S_ByZladdi76/series9S.xml): Invalid camera shadow focus box 'shadowFocusBox'. Must be a shape and cpu mesh<br /> 2024-11-24 17:03 data...

4 weeks ago

<p>unzip it i would say its his save game file</p>

<p>more pay wall crap get a life karen</p>

<p>nothing like Aditional Game Settings in fs 22 you might want to go check it out or change the mane of yours</p>

<p>it lets you paint anywhere but not place things anywhere says restricted area or to close to object</p>

<p>dont do what you say try to place somethin it dont allow you either say restricted are or cannot place to close</p>