Comments by RichyRich

<p>Hi THOMAS. Nice mod mate, well done. Are you planning on making the rest of the animal pens to be useable with the animalpenextension?? Hope you do cause that's the best mod on FS19 by far. </p>

<p>@name. What mods have you made?? I doubt you have even got the fucking brain capacity to try. So unless you have anything constructive to say, I suggest you return to sucking your dads cock, and...

<p>I cant stand dumb trolls making fun of mods. That's why I wont release my version of goldcrest valley that took me months to build, and is still being perfected. I keep my own work to myself so ...

<p>I don't see any way possible of knowing that he is a bot, so I guess my answer would be no based on the fact he was not waving a huge banner saying "i'm a bot". But why would I look for that any...

<p>pretty good update, though I am waiting to see if they actually sort out the AI traffic. They are way too slow, and there is no way in any world that a vehicle going that slow can stop a tractor...

<p>And you lot moaning cause you cant play the game lmfao. why don't you go out and buy a proper gaming rig like I have, instead of sitting there using a s****y dell laptop lol</p>