<p>Nice map. You need to look in your log file. I count 45 errors and a bunch of warnings. Running with no third party mods.</p>
<p>Why do you call this a DLC?</p>
<p>You need to get rid of the mini-lag. It even shows in the video. I have a high end machine and it shows.</p>
<p>Made a mistake. Version number should be v1.6.</p>
<p>Can you fix this so it doesn't pitch forward with it's nose to the ground when you accelerate?</p>
<p>108:2022-04-15 10:29 Error: failed to create placed resource (BufferAllocation) Map won't load.</p>
Christopher Gibson
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Comments by Wrangler
2 years ago
<p>Nice map. You need to look in your log file. I count 45 errors and a bunch of warnings. Running with no third party mods.</p>
2 years ago
<p>Why do you call this a DLC?</p>
2 years ago
<p>You need to get rid of the mini-lag. It even shows in the video. I have a high end machine and it shows.</p>
2 years ago
<p>Made a mistake. Version number should be v1.6.</p>
2 years ago
<p>Can you fix this so it doesn't pitch forward with it's nose to the ground when you accelerate?</p>
2 years ago
<p>108:2022-04-15 10:29 Error: failed to create placed resource (BufferAllocation) Map won't load.</p>