<p>There seems to be an issue where I'm using the Profi Liner trailer and the Start Loading action gets stuck and will stays showing. Will not allow other triggers to be used, such as entering prod...
<p>I woke up 12 mil in debt ............. Looks like they added a bunch of 0s behind the original number of productions per month and the cost per cycle is the same :O</p>
Comments by aforman90
1 day ago
<p>There seems to be an issue where I'm using the Profi Liner trailer and the Start Loading action gets stuck and will stays showing. Will not allow other triggers to be used, such as entering prod...
2 days ago
<p>Kimchi is producing but not putting pallets out</p>
3 days ago
<p>I woke up 12 mil in debt ............. Looks like they added a bunch of 0s behind the original number of productions per month and the cost per cycle is the same :O</p>