Comments by criss20

<p>Error: Missing description in mod FS22_Newholland_Cr1090</p>

<p>Maybe some mod is blocking it, I have the latest version of FS 22 1.2.2</p>

<p>Error: Can't load resource 'E:/ModyFS22/FS22_Volvo_FMX_Hardox/Textures/'.<br /> 2021-12-31 16:51 Error: Can't load resource 'E:/ModyFS22/FS22_Volvo_FMX_Hardox/Textures/'.<br />...

2 years ago

<p>Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_Great_KrampePack/xml/bandit550.xml): Maximum number of configurations are reached for baseMaterial. Only 64 configurations per type are allowed!<br /> 2021-12-31 16:29 ...

2 years ago

<p>Full error bugs in game</p>

<p>Warning (E:/ModyFS22/FS22_ScaniaS620_HKL_Crane/scaina.xml): 'vehicle.fillUnit.fillUnitConfigurations.fillUnitConfiguration(0).fillUnits.fillUnit(0)#unit' is not supported anymore, use 'vehicle.f...