IKR @Above
To the four dislikes, welcome to real-life, GET A JOB! I work for everything I got, y'all aint gettin' my internet, my guns, my future, my families future, my hobbies, my utilities, my respect. As ...
Yay, Cab-over!
that's 40ft not 53ft, and that is european, wabash is american.
God darn laggy truck, i cant even have it parked before I lag to the Orion nebula and back.
Christopher Gibson
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See All4 years ago
4 years ago
IKR @Above
4 years ago
To the four dislikes, welcome to real-life, GET A JOB! I work for everything I got, y'all aint gettin' my internet, my guns, my future, my families future, my hobbies, my utilities, my respect. As ...
4 years ago
Yay, Cab-over!
4 years ago
that's 40ft not 53ft, and that is european, wabash is american.
4 years ago
God darn laggy truck, i cant even have it parked before I lag to the Orion nebula and back.