Comments by dctoe

10 months ago

<p>TLDR;<br /> While I would not usually be behind the people doing this: I must say that the state of mods for FS is pretty sad. What makes it bad is that people want to get paid for something th...

1 year ago

<p>Looks like a good balance here. Thanks!</p>

<p>Thanks for the updates! ?</p>

1 year ago

<p>What happened to pride in quality work? Stealing, renaming, selfishness... You remember back before all the crumb bums figured out how to rip everybody off?</p><br /> <br /> <p>This is insane....

1 year ago

<p>Links to a Google form that requests money and contact over Telegram. I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot turd!</p>

<p>"FOR THIS REASON IT CANNOT BE SENT TO MOHUB<br /> MAP AND THIRD PARTY ONLY THE OWNER CAN SEND."</p><br /> <br /> <p>Sooooo... this is posted improperly? (Not illegal, but perhaps immoral)?</p><b...