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I forgot to mention this is for the "Summer Map" for game version 1.46 ONLY!

scs forums>ATS>mods>maps>[REL]Dalton and Elliot Hwy Extreme 1:1 Scale ATS Ver 1.46 Summer Edition 8 Dec 22

No, its been going for 6 years and is a stand alone map. Id advise you go read the first page of my thread in the SCS Forums for the load order and other info. It is also 1-1 Scale, which means if ...

I forgot to mention the following ECONOMY RESET Due to a new company and map rebuild etc there is an Economy Reset. Please finish any jobs you do not want to lose before installing this version. ...

Well it does say 1 to 1 scale. It has been around for 6 years now in ATS and previously in 18WoS Haulin. It is one of the most viewed maps on the SCS Forums with quite alot of youtube videos about ...