winston already converted it just has not released it yet
did you ask winston9587 if you could use his truck before you stripped the logging bed off for this?
it will when done but it will not be released here. winston only releases his on modland. if his mods are found any place else they are stolen and not supported.
i already fixed all your screwed up crap. stop stealing people stuff and messing them up.
Christopher Gibson
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3 years ago
winston already converted it just has not released it yet
3 years ago
did you ask winston9587 if you could use his truck before you stripped the logging bed off for this?
3 years ago
it will when done but it will not be released here. winston only releases his on modland. if his mods are found any place else they are stolen and not supported.
3 years ago
i already fixed all your screwed up crap. stop stealing people stuff and messing them up.