Comments by manowar

4 years ago

<p>I wanna see how good it is.after all your critizing of everyones stuff.Got two hours into this map so far.I like it very much so far.Nice job</p>

4 years ago

<p>Nice mod thank you.Dont listen to Name</p>

<p>most of this stuff has been out for awhile.I see one new piece.Giants needs to do a great old irons pack to get people back into the game</p>

4 years ago

<p>looks the same as v.1...</p>

4 years ago

<p>To all you people that its not done least this person can mod.maybe he is to busy with LIFE to do every test so hes asking the public for help.ive help test many maps.its fun to ...

4 years ago

<p>yeah I love how they put out a mod that's been out already and claim it as there own<br></p>