Add Cargo Trailer and Truck Tand...
Euro truck simulator 2
Add Cargo truck Flatbed -5 cargoes Scania Next Gen S and R Da...
Add Cargo truck Flatbed -5 cargoes Scania Next Gen S and R Da...
New rear bumper New logo rear bumper New rear mudflaps New re...
-Add new bottomgrill(16 variants) -Add tank paint -Add slot re...
-Add Window frame paint -Add Front mirror paint -Add Side mirr...
link change, report please. the right link:
Do not download, mod steal and nothing new
The post is not fake. I am indeed the author of the mod. Thanks anyway. Look at my sharemod name and you will see that it is indeed me.
Ne pas telecharger mod volerDo not download mod fly
Buy the 40ft version and after in a garage, you can change the chassis.
Christopher Gibson
Choose the game and category, enter the name and version and continue