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4 years ago

Thanks for fixing this, great work all around:)

Great map bud, only found a couple of miner cosmetic problems that I fixed very quickly. I also updated the trees to FS 19 standards which was a bit more tricky but worth it. I love all the differe...

Great map but not for weak PCs as there are a ton of trees on the map. In my opinion this is by far one of the best and most realistic maps out there. Great job by JIMSGAMES. Definetly worth the do...

4 years ago

@NAME- Dude, you seriously need to realize its just a game. Maybe you should take a break and get out of your parents basement for a bit, you know, go smell a flower or get some fresh air and while...

@SIMR- Grow up and stop acting like a child. I am also American and I have nothing against people from the UK or any other country for that matter, You need to get a grip bro and stop bringing that...

4 years ago

@LOL---Added board pallets to it. Read the description.