Comments by zoltanm

<p>Already fixed in next version. In the meantime, edit your savegame ... farmland file ... farmland id = "11" farmId = "1" ...</p>

<p>You can do it in the next version. Farm-Manager mod.</p>

<p>In the next version, we will already be able to buy or own the green areas. But if you want, you can change it now. Modify farmlands.xml, next line.<br /> farmland id = "11" priceScale = "1" npc...

<p>Modify farmlands.xml, next line.<br /> farmland id = "11" priceScale = "1" npcName = "NPC_US_05" showOnFarmlandsScreen = "false"<br /> for this and then you can buy it<br /> farmland id = "11" p...

<p>I’ve already made another BGA on the map that can’t be bought where you can sell your crops. It will be in the next version.</p>

<p>BGA needs silage. You can use the silo bunkers if you have purchased the BGA.</p>