FS15 Big Mods Pack V13 Scripts Pack V3


The Pack consist of 12 FS15 Sripts:
* Gearbox Addon v 1.3
* Multi Overlay Hud v 2.3
* Brake Light Extension v 1.8
* AAA 64erFix v 1.1
* MultiVitamin128 v 1.0
* Agro Sponsor v 1.3
* Bale Extension v 3.1 [Ultima Fix]
* Map Autosave v 2.0
* Better Indoor Camera v 1.0
* Rental Mod v 2.3.2
* BGA Extension v 3.0.3
* Trigger Extend v 0.61

Authors: mogli aka biedens, HappyLooser, Ifko[nator], RC-Devil, VitaminC, mInternauta, upsidedown, DerSchreiner, modelleicher, Alex2009
Pack created: vydka




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